Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I am feeling the need to express a few things I learned today in Bible Study. I know that Beth may not of specifically hit this on the head in the session but I took this from one of the answers someone gave to a question on last weeks homework.

First off did you all know that Adam was suposed to guard the garden? God told him since he couldn't guard it, He would put His angels there to guard it. He said that the serpent never should have gotten to his wife. So wow...the serpent should have never been IN the garden. What a thought!!!

Okay my reason for writing, which may be sad to some, is not a funny subject. I feel the need to get rid of the negativity in my life. I have always been around people who are negative, from growing up, to my daily life. Even though I may not be able to change the people that I am around, I can however, with Jesus's help, not retain the negativity and push it off on others. I can try to be the positive one and maybe that will reflect on them. This is obviously not a guarantee that I will not slip, we are not perfect people, but we are to strive to be Christ like and negativity was not something He ever was. So here's where the accountability comes in. My partners in this, you two know who you are, please if you hear even the beginning of a negative statement coming from my lips, I beg you to bring it to my attention. I don't want to be like the people I know who are negative. I know how that negativity makes me feel, I don't want to make others feel that way. You know what I mean? This challenge is put out there to all who may have this problem. Wouldn't it be nice to squash something else of the devil? I sure think so!


Anonymous said...

Yea Jamie...I'm proud of you :)

Julie Nephew said...

You so awesome...cuz your positive....time for me to go brunette! (you gotta get the song)