Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I had an astounding realization today thanks to Beth Moore. It was talking about getting rid of the bitterness in your life and of course you can only do this thru Jesus. She said in order to heal from the bitterness you need to start with forgiving. Then she says: which you think "if I forgive it's saying it was all right and it's not all right." She then says: let God whisper in your ear what He whispered to her: "No, My child; forgiving will make you all right." WOW what a thought. To forgive is for us...not for the person who did the hurting. To be more Christlike means we are to forgive and to forgive everyone for everything. Not to say it was okay no big deal but to say hey I am now okay and you are giving all so that He can put His all in you. If we can't forgive how can He forgive us?

Matthew 6:14-15 "If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins."

Scary thought. I can't imagine the place that is there for those who don't have Jesus in their hearts and lives, nor do I want to imagine that place. For if we are wrong in what we believe what have we to lose, but those who don't believe have everything to lose!