Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First OU game experience.

We were so glad, well, let me rephrase that...I was so glad when Jackson and I were invited to the OU game this past weekend. I have never been to a football game other than high school and I've wanted to go to an OU game for a very long time!!! So needless to say, when we were asked, I rearranged our schedule for Saturday. It was also our 11th anniversary so for me it was an awesome present, and even though Jackson is an OSU fan he did enjoy himself quite abit and I heard he yelled for OU as much as all the other fans! :)

We had awesome seats and got to go to the food thing, not sure what it's called. It was soooo cool. Big building filled with free food of all kinds, what wasn't to like!

We had an awesome parking space, that I will have to say did take some sacrifice to get to. We pulled in the area that led to the parking garage but they couldn't find Julie's name on the list. So the man says no problem just get it fixed for the next game and went ahead and let us thru, after first putting an orange dot on her car. We thought nothing of this. Well we wind our way thru campus and then we get waved into a stopped lane that a dog is currently sniffing a vehicle already parked there. I look at Julie and she's about as shocked as I was. We drive up after the other car is free to go and the cop knocks on her window and tells us to crack our doors and don't pet the dog. Oh nice...we are now being bomb searched. This was a great addition to the experience as we are sitting in this car, she really needs to get her windows tinted (HA), as people are walking by just staring. However I would rather be searched then them overlook something. We are free to go after what seemed like an hour (it was only about a minute) and we arrive at the parking garage. We find a great park and go on in.

The game was a good game. Everyone warned Jackson and I about it taking along time to get out of there after but it only took about 10 minutes. It was fantastic. We ended the day with dinner at Abuelos which is always good. It was a good 11th anniversary!!


Julie Nephew said...

I'm so glad you all had fun and super excited that you were able to come join in the OU experience!! Oh, and the food "thing" is called Sooner Club Tailgate.

Cindy Norwood said...

Cute picture:)