We have about 38 days left until our next 1/2 marathon and since I have to blog every single day I decided to blog on how Jasper and I have been doing. Tonight we run our 9 miles. Last week we ran our 8 and felt super other than a few sore areas we didn't feel like it was hopeless. So with that said I feel I need to go back a few weeks and talk about why we felt like it was hopeless.
Last year when we were training for the 1/2 marathon Jasper got horrible shin splints and back pain. She continued to run but was done immediatly after the race. She went and saw the wonderful dr we both go see and he fixed her right up. I have had knee pain off and on the entire time I've been running and I've just chalked it up to bad knees. I was oh so wrong. This go round my right inside knee just would throb the entire run and after for hours. So I went to Jaspers miracle worker (the chiropractor). He told me that the knee pain was because my hips were not centered and my feet were all jacked up, okay so maybe he didn't say those words exactly but you get my drift. So he gives me about 13 exercises to do twice a day. So long story short my hips are where they are suposed to be and my feet are much better, I haven't had knee pain in 2 weeks and I am down to doing the exercises only once a day.
We are getting pumped about the Dallas White Rock and hope that we feel the same wonderful feel we did last time. Just if the weather cooperates and it's 45 and not 85. Here's a picture of us last year after we were done, notice how happy Jasper and I were...Cindy however wasn't feeling as spunky as we were. Hopefully this year we ALL look happy at the end.
Good luck! I think this would be one sport that it would be bad luck to say, "Break a leg," right?
Woohoo...its coming, its coming!!! And no, I'm not giving blood before the race this year and yes we ARE going to have a good run and we will all be smiling in the end. :)
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